The short version:
I’m a former top corporate executive leader who quit her multiple 6 figure career publicly on LinkedIn™ in front of millions, took what I knew, and built a million-dollar business in 19 months using the internet.
But more on than that later…
I’m a mom to my three kids (my little dragons) wife to an amazing guy and passionate about teaching everyday entrepreneurs how to increase their income and monetize their life.

The whole story:
I grew up in a home where money was in short supply.
My mom worked 3 jobs to make ends meet and she refused to let our circumstances limit our opportunities.
She pulled extra shifts where she could bring me along: like being a camp director in the summer where I was a camper and a teacher's assistant at my school, and volunteering at the church nursery on the weekends where I would help rock the babies. I saw her hustle and optimizing.
Her motto was “There are always others that have it worse, we are blessed”.
Her work ethic imprinted on me as a child, as did her involving me in her work at an early age. As a pre-teen, she even debated and won getting my first job on-site at her summer camp as the youngest paid camp counselor ever.
I was an ultra-poor kid, living with my grandmother and mom in the most affluent town in the state. While my mom could barely afford our groceries while living in the basement of my grandparents' mansion, we would drive through the neighborhood to see people fly in their personal airplanes to the landing strip in the community.
I felt the gap. I needed to figure out how to close it. The way I figured, you either ended up building your own empire and dreams, or you spent your life’s work building someone else's-I wanted to buy the whole damn building.
Fast forward a few years:
At just 29 years old, I was already scaling the corporate ladder with my peers across the table the same age as my father.
A young go-getter, corporate ladder sprinter.
I thought I had it all: a multiple six-figure salary, my first-class flights, company car, fancy hotels…
But something didn’t feel right. My job fed my family, but it didn't feed my soul.
Worn out, working long hours, leaving my kids behind to be raised by nannies. I realized, I was living out my mom's life with just a higher paycheck (and not including my kids in my work) I was a slave to my career, trading time for money. Sure, we had a great house, great neighborhood….but if you took a peek behind the curtain...My relationship with my husband was strained b/c we were passing each other in the night, my health was suffering from the stress of work, and my children didn’t have a present mother. I was upgrading life for my kids in some ways, but in others, I was mom was at least around while she hustled. She was at least present to influence me and mentor me.
I was out of sight. Just having money wired to the bank account to feed the family.
My husband and I really wanted a 3rd child, but both agreed that my current work situation would make it unbearable to manage a third child at the time and this nearly broke my soul….
So, I started to think outside the box (channeling my mother's creativity to make income).
I began running an e-commerce business on the side. I wasn’t sure where it was going to take me...I didn’t start because I thought I was going to make a million dollars. I started because it gave me JOY, I was in control, I could create and lead on my own.
Within 1.5 years of starting my “cute hobby,” it eclipsed my corporate income and I began to realize the power of the internet and the networking and recruiting skills I had mastered on the LinkedIn™ platform to grow my business.
I fired my boss in my 9th month of pregnancy with my third child and spent the next year in bliss, enjoying the residual, six-figure income I had created, and settled into a totally different mom life - a mom that was present.

It was the first of three kids that I actually heard his first words, saw his first steps and it was magical and heavenly.
As my littlest one got a little bigger, and I came out of my cocoon….I realized my attraction marketing methods could work for anyone trying to start a business, and with my passion for teaching others, I launch my LinkedIn Method coaching program.
With immense gratitude for being able to make a living with such flexibility, from home, I was compelled to teach others how to do the same…
Buying the whole damn building:
Since then I’ve been blessed to make this a million-dollar business of my own.
But what I’m most proud of is that I’ve been able to help HUNDREDS of incredible everyday entrepreneurs (like you!) from all walks of life add commas to their bank account and live with purpose.